Friday, July 29, 2011

Alfa Loves...Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot

If you are not a beer encyclopedia, you might not know a whole lot about barley wine.  A classic English style of strong beer (it's not wine, it's just called that - huh?) barley wine gets its name because it can be as strong as wine; but since it is made from grain rather than fruit, it's classified as (and tastes more like) beer.

We really like to do tastings here at Alfa (food, beer, wine, liquor) - hey, it's a perk of the job.  So we commissioned our beer people to bring us a whole bunch of barley wines.  After more samples than should be consumed before a shift, our crack staff of boozehounds settled on Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot.  

According to Weyerbacher's web site, Blithering Idiot makes a nice date for full-flavored meats and cheeses, or as an after-dinner drink.  But before you start slamming them down, remember this:  one too many Blithering Idiots will make you, uh, a blithering idiot.  With an alcohol content (ABV, or Alcohol By Volume) of 11.1%, this potent brew is not to be treated like your average beer (most run anywhere between 3 and 7% ABV).

Available year round, Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot waiting here for you at Alfa if you are looking for something hearty and strong.  But remember, you get the flag if you fall off your barstool...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Featured Beer - Magic Hat Wacko Summer Ale

If you've walked the streets of Philadelphia in the summertime, you know about wackos.  Well, we've invited a different kind of Wacko into Alfa for the summer.  Magic Hat Wacko is a fruit/vegetable beer brewed with beet sugar, pale malts, Columbus hops and fermented with an English Ale strain. We like it because it is refreshing, the flavors stand out, and it's not too heavy.  At 4.5% alcohol content, you'll still be able to get through the rest of your night without falling on your face by midnight.

Come get one!  It's HOT out there!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The kindess of strangers...or friends.

Buy a drink for a friend...even if they aren't there with you!  Just come in and fill out one of our handy forms, and your friend's name will pop up on our board, so the next time they come in, wouldn't it be a pleasant surprise when they see they have a drink waiting for them!  You can even choose to keep yourself anonymous (hey, we like to keep things interesting here).  But we really think that secret admirers are more poetry than reality...just go for it!  Any drink you buy is valid for 60 days, so there is plenty of time for them to pick it up.